Super Maize
When it comes to particles maize is one of those ‘banker baits’ that many carp anglers simply wouldn’t leave home without. Bait-Tech’s Super Maize has no preservatives and is cooked in the can for sealed-in freshness. Our Super Maize is one of THE most highly sought after carp catchers out there.
The maize, ready to use straight from the can is cooked using a unique process which allows the natural sugars and attractors to be retailned – losing nothing & gaining everything!
In addition to the natural version we’ve also produced three other flavours including Strawberry, Scopex and Tutti Frutti, all of which are coloured, flavoured & ready to use straight from the can. It makes a great hook and feed bait and is ideal for adding to any spod mix, or for laying a carpet of feed for fish to graze over.
- Multiple colours & flavours
- Ready to use straight from the can
- Convenient 695g tins