Safe Zone' has basically come about through filming the State of the Art Underwater Carp Fishing films. There can be no better way of learning about carp's behaviour around rigs than actually filming them in their natural environment. Every time we make a film there is no way we can show all the underwater footage that we record, it has to be edited severely just to get the films down to 4 hours!
Sadly this means that many of the patterns that emerge as a result of watching the fish non-stop cannot be fully shown in the films. Watching a pattern emerge is quite simply priceless, each film has shown something new but one common theme runs through them all,'THE FISH KNOW THEY ARE BEING FISHED FOR!
Make no mistake the rig you are using at this very moment can be seen by the carp, and the brighter the sun and the clearer the water the more it stands out. Fortunately competitive feeding and being lucky enough for the rig to lay right every now and again does lead to captures. However, don’t kid yourself, your rigs ability to blend into its background will affect your run rate. I have seen that the less they feel they are being fished for the more bites you will get.
This totally unique experience has shown me that if we can create a 'Safe Zone' around the hook bait then we will get more bites. This is why we are the only company selling several different colours of all our rig items so that you have the option of matching your rig to the lake bed it will be resting on. So how do we know the new Safezone leaders really do blend in? Because we actually took samples of the different types of lake bed and sent them to the manufacturers so they could colour match to some actual Silk Weed, Gravel, Silt and Clay. To you and I the colours may not look right but simply drop them in on the type of lake bed we say they are suited to and watch them disappear.
The leader with a size 8 ring swivel on the end is best used with our inline leads, lead clips, running rigs and method feeders. Once wet all these types of lead system will easily slip over the tungsten collars and the welded loop at the end of the leader. When the leaders are dry, products such as inline leads and method feeders will stick to the tungsten sections and you will think they are unsafe. However, when wet they slip over them with ease and lets face it when underwater they'll always be moist.
Secondly, we have a Helicopter/Chod version - it can be fished as a standard helicopter rig with the hook link semi fixed by the lead or with the hook link right up the leader chod rig style. All of the components have been specially designed to create the sexiest looking and efficiently working helicopter rig ever made.
Thirdly, there is the Hybrid Lead Clip Leader which feature the safest lead clip possible fixed into a swivel, followed by a matching Tail Rubber. All the leaders have two lengths of tungsten melted onto them one third and two thirds of the way down the length to ensure the whole leader sinks to the lake bed on a slack line. Compare them to anything else on the market and it is blatantly obvious a great deal of thought has gone into them. We have made them shorter than normal leaders on purpose, 2.5ft on the lead clip and swivel versions, and 3ft on the chod. There is no anti-tangle system in the world that is harder to see than the line on your reel so we feel that you should use the shortest anti-tangle system possible. If you don't believe us check out Part 2 of the Underwater films, our divers film the rigs out in the lake and even a small bobbin could actually lift long lengths of leadcore off the bottom! So my tip is, feel the lead hit the bottom, slacken the whole lot off and use the lightest bobbin you can to keep that line as close to the lake bed as possible.